As a CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRAT Palm Beach County Mayor and Commissioner, I was able to reduce tax rates, block outrageous COVID Mandates and stand strong with our police against crime while delivering essential services for taxpayers. Unfortunately, there’s no room in the Democratic Party for someone like me who wants to fight for taxpayers and working families.
That’s why I walked away from the Democratic Party and am proudly running for Congress as a REPUBLICAN.
Broward and Palm Beach counties need a fighter in Congress who will defend our values, fight for freedom and always put taxpayer first. That’s why I want to be your Member of Congress!
EDUCATION: Get the federal government out of education and give control of schools back to parents and teachers, not groomers, grifters and woke bureaucrats. JARED MOSKOWITZ SUPPORTS WOKE EDUCATION AND VOTED TO FUND IT WITH TENS OF BILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS!
TAXES: As a member of Congress I will vote to extend and expand the Trump tax cuts when they expire next year, because more tax cuts mean more jobs. JARED MOSKOWITZ OPPOSES THE TRUMP TAX CUTS AND WILL STOP THEM IF HE AND DEMOCRATS GET CONTROL OF CONGRESS!
WOMEN’S RIGHTS: I support federal legislation stopping those receiving federal aid from permitting men to participate in women’s sports or use facilities reserved for women. JARED MOSKOWITZ SUPPORTS MEN IN WOMEN’S SPORTS AND BELIEVES MINORS SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET SEX CHANGE OPERATIONS!
ENERGY INDEPENDENCE: I oppose federal energy subsidies. Let the free market work so consumers can benefit through lower prices and open supply chains. JARED MOSKOWITZ SUPPORTS THE RADICAL EXTREME “GREEN NEW DEAL” AGENDA THAT’S SENT ENERGY PRICES SOARING!
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: We must reverse the Biden Administration’s Open Borders policies, Build The Wall, Defund Sanctuary Cities and end Birthright Citizenship. JARED MOSKOWITZ OPPOSES THE BORDER WALL AND ENDORSES THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION’S OPEN BORDERS AGENDA!
NATIONAL DEFENSE: Rebuild our military by demanding that additional funds come with mandates to eliminate the woke mandates that have weakened our military. JARED MOSKOWITZ SUPPORTS BIDEN’S WEAKENING OF OUR MILITARY!
FOREIGN POLICY: It’s time to advance American interests, not European interests. It’s time to stand up to China and stand up for Israel, our only true friend in the world. JARED MOSKOWITZ SENT TENS OF BILLIONS TO UKRAINE WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHILE CAUCUSING WITH ANTI-SEMITES LIKE AOC, RASHIDA TALIB AND IHLAN OMAR!
PRO-LIFE: The Hobbs decision correctly sent the abortion issue to the states, but Congress can help promote pro-life values by defunding Planned Parenthood and federal support for abortion. JARED MOSKOWITZ SUPPORTS UNRESTRICTED ABORTIONS UP TO BIRTH FOR ANY REASON AT ALL AND WANTS TO FORCE CATHOLIC HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS TO PERFORM THEM!
GUN RIGHTS: More guns means less crime. I will oppose the Democrats gun control agenda including proposed Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws and a national gun owner database. JARED MOSKOWITZ WANTS NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION, WHERE YOUR NAME AND YOUR FIREARMS ARE PART OF AN FBI DATABASE!
CRIME: It’s time Congress used the power of the purse to slash funding to leftist cities that let criminals roam free and or serve as illegal alien sanctuaries. JARED MOSKOWITZ IS SILENT WHILE CRIME IS EXPLODING IN LEFTIST BLUE CITIES, AND CRIMINALS ARE CODDLED WHILE CITIZENS ARE TREATED AS CRIMINALS!